There was a time when Mother Earth
Was in scintillating colors ,
With rainbow in the sky,
Flowers in full bloom.
She gyrated to the song of the birds,
Fresh Fragrance of Freedom prevailed.
There were new hopes and aspirations in the air.
Yes,there came such a day on Earth.
And that was the day when YOU were born.

This post has been inspired from my previous post ' I AM SPECIAL '.
I dunno whom to Thank ? God who made me have that dream? OR the Gentleman who wrote those words for me ? Well, I Thank both of them for inspiring me to come up with this post.
Every Year 16th - 22nd April is celebrated as the Earth Week and 22nd April as the Earth Day .I aim at creating awareness about the deteriorating life on this earth. I raise this question to the whole of humanity " Why have Green, happy times become a history ? "
The above photo has been taken from Google Images.