Saturday, April 17, 2010

55 Fiction... A Question To EACH of YOU


There was a time when Mother Earth

Was in scintillating colors ,

With rainbow in the sky,

Flowers in full bloom.

She gyrated to the song of the birds,

Fresh Fragrance of Freedom prevailed.

There were new hopes and aspirations in the air.

Yes,there came such a day on Earth.

And that was the day when YOU were born.

This post has been inspired from my previous post ' I AM SPECIAL '.

I dunno whom to Thank ? God who made me have that dream? OR the Gentleman who wrote those words for me ? Well, I Thank both of them for inspiring me to come up with this post.

Every Year 16th - 22nd April is celebrated as the Earth Week and 22nd April as the Earth Day .I aim at creating awareness about the deteriorating life on this earth. I raise this question to the whole of humanity " Why have Green, happy times become a history ? "

The above photo has been taken from Google Images.


  1. go green - save energy - save ur-future-self ;)

  2. @ Vij Yes, We all shud wake up ..It's high time now

  3. @ Madhulika

    ~Secondly...I know who was that Man..??
    Yeah I know..guess who..It was your UNCLE :P
    Yeah he keep saying something like save and so it was THE UNCLE!

    ~The question, ["I raise this question to the whole of humanity " Why have Green, happy times become a history ?]....simply touched my heart makes me think and rethink..and i love this churn that your thought have created!! Cannot do it here on blog..but RT, I shall love to do it:):)

    You are into strange strong pace..uphold that spirit!

    Luv yeah!
    ~Keep the Spark Alive..

  4. The world is never going to learn, I bet. And this, for sure, is their last chance to learn. I am trying my last bit, hoping to see the rest of them give their last shot, too! :)

  5. Its all a simple matter of perspective.....which side of the river were you on?

    yes about the earth day, I always felt that it never was celebrated with much vigor.....though it should be

  6. How about thinking the so called deterioration in Evolution terms in a more comprehensive way... ?

    BTW, significant 55ier....relevant and contemporary....

  7. Not just green, of all the colours that were there, the one which is visible most is - BLACK ! Sad, yet true !

    Your post was a great attempt at creating awareness, I might just switch off my car's engine seconds earlier or could take a walk. No matter small, every contribution counts :)

    And btw, I'm taking part in this Blog-a-ton, am sure you won't mind if I ask you to check my post and give me your reviews :)
    Thanks and take care!

    in love with me and life..escape !

  8. hey wonderfully written... Awareness indeed is the key to save mother earth.. :)

    I have also penned a 55 ficton on my blog for blog-a-ton... Hope u will like it.. :)


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